Posted by: splash170 | October 13, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi everybody! This is ILoveHorses! And at www.splash170.wordpress.comWe just want 2 wish u a Happy Thanksgiving! This is 4 both Canadian and American Thanksgiving Holidays. But I am writing 4 Canada’s Thanksgiving mainly, because 2-day it is Canadian Thanksgiving! There r a lot of cool things 2 do on Thanksgiving and one thing 2 do is list 10 things that u r thankful 4! And we r going 2 have a small contest 4 just that! So all u have 2 do is list 10 things that u thank God 4 and post it right under this post! Then plz leave your Webkinz Username and we will randomly pick someone 2 give a prize 2! And the prize will be: A special Thanksgiving Treat 4 your Webkinz pet! So plz tell everybody u know 2 participate in this thankful contest and comment under this post! Thxs and remember: here is also a Hitz Contest going on right here! So plz come and raise our hitz 2 5,000 and beyond by the end of October. We will pick someone randomly and reward that person with a MYSTERY PRIZE! So plz comment and advertise 4 these 2 splashy wonderful contests! And if u have any more suggestions in maiing this site better, plz don’t hestitate 2 tell us! Just leave a comment anywhere and tell us! Thxs! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!  😀 🙂 😉 :mrgreen:

Thanksgiving Clip Art! Special Thanks 2:



  1. Have fun everybody! Don’t 4-get the Hitz Contest! Contest ends on American Thanksgiving Day! 🙂

  2. 1. Kevin he keeps me sane – makes me laugh – don’t know what I would do without him.
    2. My friends – this includes my cyber friends who don’t have towns or faces 😉 Just silly little names…..
    3. My co-workers – I am lucky that I get to work with such a great group of people.
    4. My family – past and present. The ones who have already passed have left me so many precious memories too.
    5. My pets – unconditional lovers – that’s what they are.
    6. Movies, and TV – great for relaxing entertainment.
    7. My Health – could be always be worse than it is.
    8. My Computer I so love to try out new software and learn how to do new things.
    9. My geeky brain – Oh how I love being a Geek or Nerd as some put it 🙂
    10. Webkinz – what a fantastic Virtual World to live in!!!!

  3. Wow! U r thankful 4 a lot of things! Plz post your username because u might just win! Your Webkinz Username thxs!

  4. Plz bring people 2 this blog! Plz participate in the cool Thanksgiving Contest! Thxs!

  5. Yay! We r almost there! Less than 500 hitz 2 go! We can do this people! I know we can!

  6. Plz go 2 my site. Just click my name.

  7. im thankful for. . .

    1. my family – relatives
    2. my friends
    3. my food
    4. my pets
    5. my house
    6. my clothes – warmth
    7. webkinz
    8. my eductian
    9. my electronics
    10. my money
    11. God’s creation

    my webkinz usernames are


    if only 1 of my webkinz usernames i would like patchescheeky to win!

  8. Cool! U might just win!

  9. So plz advertise our site and I hope more people will participate in this contest!

  10. 1. being alive (obviously)
    2. family
    3. Friends
    4. Animals
    3. Webkinz
    7. Shelter
    8. Food
    9. Money
    7. A computer
    8. WordPress
    9. A blog
    10. Talents
    11. Electronics
    12. Pets
    13. my own room
    12. Toys
    13. Christmas
    14. Presents
    15. Water

    those r all i can think of! here r some things i am not thankful 4:
    1. home work
    2. mean teachers
    3. any bad stuff
    4. mean people

    i said stuff i didn’t like 2 show that every1 isn’t always thankful 4 everything. and WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i have been doing homework all day! and my mom didn’t let me take a break! i started when i got up! and my brothers got 2 play and have fun all this time! finally i have a break but now my head hurts and i feel like my whole day is is wasted! 😥 and my user is gordan1956

  11. O.k. thxs! Ya. that is sad. I can’t go on blogs until ALL my homework is done. 😦

  12. Yay! We r almost 2 5,000 hitz! WOO-HOO!!

  13. hey! i saw your comment! 😀

  14. and i gave you your 5,000 hits you wanted!

  15. wow! you have like over 5,000 hits!! hey wanna see if we can get to 5,000 comments on this post LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!

  16. What do u mean cheetyweety?

  17. Oh and plz vote at the poll pg. And contest ends November 27. Plz enter, because then u will miss out on this FABULOUS prize. The prize is not a food item ALONE, but it is more like a combo. That’s all I am saying. So hurry and comment!

  18. i kept clicking and clicking on and off and i got you 5,000 hits!

  19. Did u come here b4? I mean when there was 4,000 something hitz? Because when u commented, it was AFTER we had 5,000 hitz. I still don’t understand Cheetyweety.

  20. i came with 4,964 hits…

  21. and yes i did come here B4

  22. OH!!! THat is y! Oh!!! lol. Srry, I did not know. 😳 Thxs sooo much 4 helping us get 2 5,000 hitz!!!

  23. Cheetyweety, can u vote at the poll plz? It is under the post: Cinnamonham’s Terrific Blog! Plz vote and I hope that u can participate in this contest. Thxs!

  24. lets try and get 6,000 now! LOL 🙂 i ma working on my sca cookbook cover page 😀

  25. turn your comments on LOL

  26. Cool! I kind of wanted 2 do it… But IDK… I am working on my Current Events Presentation now.

  27. cool! im alreday done!

  28. are u here ilh?

  29. Ya I know. I am typing mine out. I had originally wanted it 2 be like a newspaper repotrter… But IDK…

  30. Ooops! I meant reporter! lol.

  31. LOL , well, you always need time for that! and splash , you look soo cute in the pics you sent me!

  32. oh thankz kitty!

  33. but i really dont think so , i mean i looked soo wierd in those pictures!! also go to the front post did you read it yet??????????????????

  34. brb im going to my blog , did you see my new slideshow yet? you should check it out 😀

  35. I know! U r adoable and soo cute! U really look pretty!

  36. hi ilh!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. oh you guys, i dont think i do , ilh did you see me and my dad in one of the pics! , did you show your dad? 😀

  38. ya splash , you are SOOOOOO-O-O-O pretty in those pics i bet you are prettier now ! :mrgreen: BRB

  39. 🙂

  40. Ya I bet that u r waaay prettier now! But I have 2 admit, your dad doesn’t really look Chinese. He looks Filipino!

  41. I apologize if I don’t comment 4 a while, because I have 2 do my homework.

  42. really? wow , everybody says he doesnt look filipino LOL

  43. me too its okay!

  44. U have homework?

  45. I might send u a pic of me and my family. IDK. lol.

  46. im going to kittys blog k? i might be back after bye ilh!

  47. ya i have homework , i am typing!

  48. Aww! Fine.

  49. Oh. How weird! Because I have 2 type my homework 2!




  53. Oh my gosh there is so much that I’m thankful for, God has Blessed me with a wonderful life.

    1. A roof over my head.
    2. A loving family that I can trust.
    3. Great friends.
    4. Food to live on.
    5. A beautiful home to grow in
    6. a great Church
    7. Being alive lol
    8. Being homeschooled.
    9. Giving me the strength and Courage to slowly grow out of my shyness.
    and number 10. For always being there for me.

  54. oh my username is booskittles1

  55. THXS! We might pick u! I will go 2 and c. 🙂

  56. lol fun ima go there. lol i never heard of it. 😉

  57. K! I like your icon emma!

  58. Thx!!! Raegirl4 made it for me. 🙂

  59. Ya, I know, I went 2 her site and saw your comment and stuff. 🙂

  60. Come on! There r only 4 entries so far! That is like so sad! Come on people! Participate in this amazing event!

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